Friday 11 September 2009

Freedom Frigg

Well I don't really have an awful lot to say/show (again) this week. We've had a rather heavy workload of late, which in turn means I haven't been spending so many hours willfully researching and drawing. All is well though, these past couples of weeks have been a real challenge and I'm feeling all the better for sticking at it and putting a few extra hours in, I've learnt alot within a very short period of time. There's been many ups and many downs but I'm finally coming out the other side - mind refreshed and ready for some down time.

I'm looking forward to drawing again, I felt I was progressing quite well with where I'm aiming to be at with drawing before the work load came in. But a break inbetween has only encouraged my thirst for it as well as allowing me some time to reflect upon what I had been working on, with a view to re-approaching it.

Me and the other chaps (Nic, Will) have been doing the odd hour or 2 painting and installing the new shop / gallery 'theartmarket' located in the Merrion Market. It's shaping up real nice and will hopefully be ready / open early October. Conway & Young have recently come on board as co-directors, along with my Girlfriend Zo of the space - I'm looking forward to seeing what comes out of it and getting involved further. Had a few ideas regarding promotional material that I will be collaborating on with C & Y.

I'm having a weekend off this weekend as Nic and Will have disappeared down to 'End of the Road' festival. Nic's playing in the Band 'Bear Driver' as their drummer if you're going and would like to see his moves.

Have a completely amazing time!

J x

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