Tuesday 8 September 2009

Don't Miss Today

For the past couple of weeks I have been without pencils.
After our gallivanting around the country I left my drawing materials at a friend's and have been completely leadless. For a while, this certainly served as a sufficient excuse for not putting pencil to paper. But I think the truth of the matter is at the moment I don't want to draw anything. This could be for a number of reasons.

There is always a period of enjoyable 'down time' after working intensely for an exhibition. When you feel like you've spent all your enthusiasm, energy and ideas. I did however receive my pencils, kindly posted, this week, so I have been in need of an alternative excuse. Thankfully I have been rather busy. We feel rather inundated with work in the studio, working on several interesting through to exciting projects. There have been consistent 12 and 14 hour days. Which I am more than happy to put in when it is to get the very best out of a job. And there are few people I could and would rather spend the day with. Amongst this I have been focusing my out of hours creative urges on making and playing music. It is always nice to be able to flit between drawing and music. However recently it has been significantly more than a simple flit, an extended sojourn perhaps.

I certainly want to want to draw. I just don't want to. I feel I have nothing to draw about, nothing to add, and nothing to say. Which is probably why this weeks blog post is a bit of self obsessed whinge. Although it isn't so much of a moan, more a pointless (ha!) rumination on a confusing lack of a creative impulse. I'm not too sad or disappointed about my lack of graphite to paper contact, it is just strange when the one constant becomes less so. I'm sure it is a natural lapse, one where I am unconsciously acquiring inspiration and soon the desire will return. When we shall have to see, I guess the fear is that it may not do, I have faith though, through optimism and persistence, it will be back.

This is an image I made a week or two ago, a collage based on a piece i exhibited in our recent 'Massive Contact' show.

These happy chaps are a sneaky glimpse of work we are doing for the Light night Festival, whcih will return to Leeds on October 9th.

And this odd little chap got me through the later hours of a long day in the studio today, from the always fascinating BibliOdyssey Blog


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