Wednesday 22 July 2009

Don't Miss Today

Champion Tree

The Tree Register would like to hear from anyone who knows of trees bigger than those listed or who can report on the death or loss of any tree listed as a champion tree

Please use the online measuring form to report a potential champion tree or it you wish to confirm a trees status, nationally or locally.

The tree in your garden may be more special than you think

Massive Contact

Work is slowly becoming more clear, in terms of what guise it may take, for our show in Newcastle as a part of the Future Focus Series. This is exciting as it is our first solo show in what is exclusively a gallery. Exciting and daunting.
The following pictures are sketches again working towards a zine and for this show. My work will be based around the few specific things that are fascinating me currently.

Fake Books
This is not a new thing and most are probably already familiar with it, but Project Gutenberg is a pretty amazing resource. I find it hard to really get into reading something on screen. For this reason I am confident that print will never completely die. Humans are tactile race, we like to feel to experience things. The amount of printed output may be decreased but this is by no means a negative thing. I think we will see a polarization in the quality of print. Cheap, quick and inconsequential pieces of print will still be released, but for those who take extra consideration in what they put out will perhaps have to justify going through printing something by making sure it is worth printing, in terms of making it a beautiful object. Hopefully also these people will make this as environmentally conscious as possible. Back to track, Project Gutenberg has a tremendous wealth of knowledge, if you can face downloading ebooks and risking a white screen headache it is worth it as I would think many of the books on here are hard if not nigh on impossible to get hold of.

'Once Upon a Time'

I hadn't really considered the complexity of this phrase until recently when t came up in something I was reading. It can be looked at as having a double sense of past and future, 'once' hinting at a time that has existed, 'upon a time' looking forward to some event that has not yet happened. This phrase embodies the true sense of 'an everlasting now'.

A Concise Dictionary of Alskan Indian:
All right, good...............A-shik-tuk.
Bad, ugly, no good............Asi-duk.
Beer--made of flour...........Ma-cooloe, or Bi-vak.
Big, large, great.............Bul-shoi.
Bear..........................Ta go ga.
Book, paper, letter...........Cali-kam.
Beluga or white whale.........Ba-tuku.
Clean, to drink...............Shak-shak.
Cold, old, year, winter.......Snik.
Dance, festivity..............Que-elat.
Good, all right...............A-shik-tuk.
Get out of the way............Aw wa.
Hot cakes, slap jacks.........Alat-jes.
I thank you for what I ate....Co-yana.
Kiss, to kiss.................Betchie-luko.
Know, to think................Ba-nem mia.
Keep quiet....................Slades.
No............................Neito, also cong-a.
Tent, sail....................Blat-ka.
Thank you.....................Que ena.
Undress.......................Enak ten.
Wind..........................Ak lak.
What do you say...............Tia-cia-lou.
What do you want..............Tie-ens-lou.

A Song
I'm not sure how good this is, it doesn't sound like me which is odd to listen to, but I want rid of it, so away...

Some images of inspiration

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